hd HLS20-TourSys1 Test Report in Tools4Music
In issue 01/2019, the specialist magazine tools4music is testing the hd HLS20P-TourSys1 in a live test in three completely different events: Open-Air, town hall and Rock-Band. Due to the high speech intelligibility and range of the compact hd HLS20 top all disciplines are mastered with flying colors and the system can convince even in difficult rooms. The author concludes with the words:
The hd HLS20 TourSys1 system convinces all along the line. Sound quality, throw range, low-end and sound pressure – all this offers the test system at a high, probably even the highest level. Especially the speech intelligibility in acoustically difficult rooms and the range of the compact top part impressed me compared to conventional array solutions. The PA sounds mighty, but is compact in comparison to the output. A combination that is popular with ambitious touring bands and rental companies
The full test report can be downloaded here! (German only)