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Red Productions Demoday – NL

Together with our BeNeLux sales partner Red Productions, we cordially invite you to an extraordinary demo day on Tuesday, February 20th. The complete Harmonic Design product portfolio will be presented in different scenarios and rooms of the NBC Congrescentrum under realistic conditions. (more…)

2016: Revolutionary large scale sound system HybridLineSource Technology

Presentation of the revolutionary large scale sound system hd HLS24 HybridLineSource. HybridLineSource technology is a worldwide unique speaker design developed by Harmonic Design that dramatically reduces the needed truck space and improves the quality of a public address system to a new level of uniformity and complete absence of distortions.

2006: Compact LineArrays hd No3, hd No5, hd No7

Presentation of hd DSCamp, a multi-channel amplifier with integrated digital signal processor and 4x In / 6x 200 W Out or 4x In / 4x 400 W Out

LineArray series hd No3 and hd No5, as well as the coaxial LineArray hd No7 for stacked applications

2004: Development of a new DSP platform with remote monitoring

Begin an extensive development project for a new DSP platform with remote monitoring of the connected components

Implementation of the technologies in future products in the market

2000: Development of the hd PowerSound algorithm

Development of the hd PowerSound algorithm for significantly improved low-frequency reproduction even for small subs.

Introducing the next generation of digital signal processors hd DSC2. First time extensive use of FIR filter technology in combination with IIR filters for uncompromising optimization of loudspeaker systems.