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prolight+sound Guangzhou with outdoor demonstration

We are proud to be present at the prolight+sound Guangzhou with our local partner of U-Acousticin Hall 2.2, Stand C56 from May 10th to 13th. The revolutionary HybridLineSource hd HLS24-TourSys2 will be “live on stage” in the International Outdoor Line Array arena, demonstrating its linearity and power between the large LineArray system. At our booth we will introduce our hd beamforming technology together with hd ML-/PL-Series passive column loudspeakers, hd P-Series versatile active system subwoofers and the revolutionary HybridLineSource hd HLS24 loudspeaker. The demonstrations at the International Outdoor Line Array Arena (South Square, outside Hall 1.1, Area A) are: 10:30 – 10:40 | 11:30 – 11:40 | 14:30 – 14:40 | 15:30 – 15:40 | 16:30 – 16:40

About Us: Harmonic Design History

We have our “About Us” page update on the homepage. If you’re curious to know what Harmonic Design has been doing in the pro audio market over the last 39 years, then we can only recommend our company history.

Red Productions Demoday – NL

Together with our BeNeLux sales partner Red Productions, we cordially invite you to an extraordinary demo day on Tuesday, February 20th. The complete Harmonic Design product portfolio will be presented in different scenarios and rooms of the NBC Congrescentrum under realistic conditions. (more…)