Together with our BeNeLux sales partner Red Productions we invite you to an extraordinary demo day on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March . The entire Harmonic Design product portfolio will be presented in different scenarios and rooms of The Box Amsterdam under realistic conditions.

Our product specialists showcase the flexible, high-performance Plug & Play Active Systems with the hd P-Series as a basis together with our elegant and powerful column loudspeakers as well as the universally applicable hd MP-Series. As a highlight we give you the opportunity to experience the brand new hd Beamforming Technology and versatile that has just been launched at ISE. For large applications we will present our hd TourSys systems around the revolutionary HybridLineSource and the LineArray hd LSA12 with hd Infra218 subwoofers.

We ask for registration

+++ Dutch +++
Hierbij willen wij van Red Productions en HD u bedanken voor het bezoek aan 1 van onze stands op de beurs van ISE Amsterdam.

Wij willen u van harte uitnodigen op onze demo dag en wel op Dinsdag 19 & Woensdag 20 Maart. U bent van harte welkom in The Box Amsterdam. Mekongweg 5, 1043 AE Amsterdam.

Wilt u onze demo dag bezoeken? Meld u dan aan via het inschrijfformulier